The Consequences of Having Expectations From People

I’ve said it once and I will say it a million times that childhood trauma’s shape us terribly when we are adults. Expectations (in my opinion) are another terrible side effect of unresolved childhood traumas. I used to have a boyfriend that could read me like a book, and he always told me that I was overthinking our relationship and not to have so many expectations. I thought he was crazy, because if I’m spending my time with someone and sharing my body with them then of course it is only normal to have expectations. Over the past year I have done A LOT of self reflection and confronting myself. I confronted myself the most on being delusional and desperate. I realized all these things tied into my expectations of other people, and how this can be a very unattractive trait, and not just in romantic relationships, but with family, friends and work as well. Are you a person that feel like you get taken advantage of a lot? That used to be me, and still to some I’m working on that. When we create expectations for people in our minds we are telling ourselves that we are not good enough for someone else so we try to control, and manipulate that person into being everything we want them to be for us. We think they don’t know what we are doing, but they know it and they also feel it. It comes out when you are too agreeable, you think you are saying everything they want to hear, but you’re really just sending off red flags of desperation. The thing with people that expect things from other people is they make these people feel like their being controlled when they did not ask to be controlled by you. I’ve learned that even in the bdsm community that people that like being controlled want you to ask for consent first too so those mind games you think you are playing with vanilla people are not appreciated wither. There are subtle ways to ask for consent so you don’t have to all out ask for it.

There is another idea that we should be able to pick up on non-verbal cues and that is only true to a certain degree. We live in a different time now, and believe me, consent is sexy. Consent can be another form of coercion, but it makes people feel safe and heard. Consent gives the person an option and lets you know that you are not selfish and that you are considerate of them. When you create expectations in your mind it almost like you are trying to steal from the other person, and believe me once they find out they will not be fond of you, and they may even ghost you. I’m sure we’ve all had that nice, sweet, and great person in our lives that just ghosted us out of nowhere. Why were you hurt? Because you were EXPECTING something else from them and you were NOT CONSIDERATE of them as a person themselves. Sometimes we even lie to ourselves about who a person is all in the name of our own selfish expectations, and getting what we want. In those cases I’m sorry to say, but we deserve to be disappointed, and let that disappointment me a lesson that teaches you not to settle for less and expect things from people that you have not asked consent from. Even then, have your own frame of mind for what you want out of life, and don’t be afraid to walk away from situations that are not serving you.

The more I get older the more I realize that love and relationships are not difficult. Love and relationships are only difficult when we are with the wrong people to begin with AND when we don’t stay true to ourselves and sacrifice our happiness in the name of being desperate, delusional and lazy without own personal self development.

I Quit Stripping, Threw My Dildo Away, Have Ventured Into Sex Work From Home *Surprise*!

What’s Up My B Love Leeeeeeees LMAO jk. I miss you guys tho. If you have been folioing this blog for any length of time you know that stripping was always a means to an end for me. I dealt with stripping, but it wasn’t something that I totally liked.

I do believe that I mentioned racism in the strip club amongst other things like me being in school and having to maintain my life. Stripping was just not making me happy. I felt locked in a cage. I felt that I had to lie to every man I dated which I did. I was terrified of telling them what I did for work, so I didn’t. I was not able to maintain the double life. Nobody has a perfect personal life, but I felt like I didn’t have any personal life. You simply cannot maintain a relationship on lies no matter how realistic it sounds its just not possible. After the last failed attempt at dating I fell terribly depressed and that was it for stripping for me. I went back one day and actually made a lot of money that day. Somewhere around $1,200. Then I was debilitated. I just couldn’t pick myself up to go. I did not work for the entire month of October.

During that month I quit smoking weed which was terribly difficult and I made some revelations about my life. I actually felt so lowly of myself that I did not believe I could have a regular job that would pay my bills so I challenged myself. I applied for tons of jobs and landed a really great job that allowed me to cover all of my bills and more for November. That job did not work out for me due to a toxic work environment so I prayed to God as I have been doing regularly and God never fails. I landed 2 more jobs. One was a great stepping stone and the most recent on is exactly what I prayed for. Tomorrow will actually be my 2nd official day. I am so grateful for God and all the support I have had from a really great person I met at the strip club a few years ago. Its really crazy how you see who is really there for you when cannot be there for yourself. We are not in this world alone, and we all need someone sometimes.  I do have new views on love, but I am for sure that stripping is not something that a high quality man is going to deal with or take seriously.

I have zero regrets about quitting stripping and I may strip in the future who knows, but for right now I am very very happy to be doing something with myself that does not involve getting naked. I even tried camping and that was disgusting to me. I did not like that at all. I am in a new line of sex work that I actually do enjoy very much. It has its pros and cons, but for me the pros outweigh the cons all the way. The pros being I can do them from home, I can be anonymous, I can build mass clientele and I can make money while I am sleep or away from home doing other things. I did have to invest some money to learn this, and it was so worth it. I should have invested in January of 2019, but I was stubborn and thought I could learn everything on my own. I don’t care who you are you need to learn to invest in yourself if there is something lucrative that you want to benefit from on mass level. I actually had no idea what I would do after stripping, but God always has a plan for those of us who believe and are willing to do the work. I have proven and will continue to prove that I am more than willing to do the work to be free financially and otherwise.

My little heartbreak was about 4 months ago and I am feeling much better and not ready for a relationship at all, but totally ready to start back dating. Now I know that having my guard up is not a bad thing, but it is ver necessary. My mom gave be a book and wrote a quote in it from the bible that sticks with me. “Guard your heart for it is the well spring of life.” I did not understand this quote until i left my heart unguarded and boy was that a mistake I will never make again. I’m also learning that when I am interested in somebody how important it is to be 100% honest. I don’t view being honest as not guarding my heart, but actually guarding it. When I was being dishonest I was trying to make men fall in love with someone that I was not truly and I was actually breaking my own heart trying to be someone that I was not. My personal business is not everyone’s business, but if I want someone to get to know me I can’t completely hide myself hoping to change along the way. That’s just not realistic.

Well that’s all for today. Please stay tuned and be looking for some very juicy blog posts as this blog is about to take a very sharp turn that I am excited about. If not then I will definitely inform you on where to fund my new juicy material that I am sure many of you will love.

Casualties Of Casual Sex: Unwanted Pregnancy

I feel like we live in a time where STD’s are not taken that serious. Its like its just a cough to some people who don’t value sex. Today I’m talking about something more precious. A human life. Proof you are here on earth will be somewhere walking around, and their life matters.

Aside from my own life issues I’ve had pregnancy scares, and a life is not something to play around with.

Somehow I feel like there will be more women reading this so I will make another post soon about the effect of casual sex on men! 

Anyway casual sex is what we’re talking here. Someone you may find supremely attractive, but other than that that’s all you find interesting about them. You want nothing to do with them outside of sex.

Even if you can afford a baby I still think its sleazy to bring a baby into a toxic situation. Its interesting that the situation only becomes toxic when real responsibilities come into play. Its sad actually. Now you have this human being that has to be made aware that their very genetic code is made up of nothing. Nothing regarding love, compassion, the natural urge to protect what should be valued. I would like for this to only be a scenario, but this is a cruel life for some people who are casualties of casual sex.

Then comes the mindset. The constant flood of feelings of worthlessness. C’mon admit it. I know we live in a time of sexual revolutions and possibly evolution some might say, but there are a certain set of things that don’t change and that is the nature of sex.

Sex is for procreation, but sex is also something that men have historically worked for, gone to war for, and kill for. Could you imagine someone going to war for you. But who’s going to go to war for someone who doesn’t even think she is worth killing a bug for. Some men literally will not kill a bug for some women. That is where we are in humanity right now.

I will be back with more Casualties of Casual Sex! Next I will talk about why discipline is important, and how fruitful it can be. Also the repercussions of wanting instant gratification and the consequences of having a lack of self control and discipline.

Casual Sex is a SEX CRIME …. Against Yourself

Casual sex is spiritual suicide of the soul. Yes its that serious, because its that tempting. A lot of people complain about sex in various forms, but they can be in control if they would like to be, but they always choose not to be. It so sad. Yes, sad.

I’ve been doing some research on casual sex, sex and spirituality, things like that, and all the research I have found has agreed with me that sex is a powerful force, and it is not casual at all. There is nothing casual about sex.

Its very intimate, close, person, and up in your business.

When people say someone who is promiscuous has a lack of self worth what they are saying is that person is allowing too many people to draw from their sexual force. Sex is not bad, but it is not a casual thing.

I’m gonna sum this up for you. Adore yourself. Don’t settle for just being s literal sex object. Value your own soul. There are people out here who worship your soul, and they can’t wait to suck a bit of it.

There are people watching you who know how great you are, and you don’t need their validation. You don’t need to pleasure them sexually to prove your worthiness. If they feel they can find better please don’t try to convince them of other wise. Save your sex for a soul who pours positive, sweet, loyal, committed, supportive, understanding, loving energy into your mind, soul, body and spirit.

There are no reasons to accept anything less.

Casual sex at your own risk.

Post coital dysphoria

Trying To Stop Smoking Weed Once Again! Day 1!

The struggle of a lifetime is here. For some of us its sex, eating unhealthy, drinking,  cigarettes, unhealthy spending habits, for me its WEED!

Omg when I tell you weed is my hugest escape. I can be totally fine as long as I have some weed in my system, but when I don’t its like my anxiety is on high alert, I’m uneasy in the body, and most of all I’m restless. I think that the worst part is being restless.

So Tuesday I went most of the day without as much weed as I usually do. I’m going to try to wean myself off like I did alcohol.  still drink, but nowhere near as much as I used to. I don’t even want it when I’m not at work or around people I trust, because alcohol isn’t like weed. When you’re drunk and you think you’re around people that you can trust, but can’t is dangerous. Weed will make you a little drowsy, but you will never be out of your mind and sick from it the way alcohol does immediately. Even if you drink too many shots in a short amount of time you may instantly be sick. I’ve experienced that before. Alcohol is a chemical, and there is a balance to drinking alcohol, that people usually don’t follow, because of its addictive nature.

None the less I’m gonna give this “cutting back on weed” thing another try! I am actually really excited, because I am usually really productive when I stop smoking weed. Now I’ve been on this drug for almost 4 years straight so I’m sure its running all up and thru my veins, and blood.

This is one of the hardest and easiest things for me to do, because I don’t like being restless, and I don’t like having anxiety.

Even now its 5:15 am Wednesday, and I am thinking about smoking weed. Even tho I said I would stop smoking it. I also know that this is more of a mental battle than anything, but the way my body feels is not easy to ignore.

Weed kind of shuts my mind off an allows me to only be in a happy place, but today marks another day of trying to be a better person.

My 26th birthday is on Sunday and I am excited. Last year I didn’t have any weed on my birthday either and it was PERF! No complaints at all!

I just want to grow and be the best person I can be so I am excited for this journey once again. Never too late to try again!

I will keep you as updated as possible on the journey just like I did in the past. This is Day 1.

Its 5:35 am in the morning, i’m feeling blah lol, not much of an appetite, I also feel like I have a ton of things to do, and once again I’m excited lol.

I’m excited to see how far I can go, push myself and see the result of the grinding and discipline.

I feel the weed leaving my body rn ughhhhhh


I’m Doing Great ….. and NOT Pregnant lol

So i just wanted to pop in with an update and let yall know I’m not pregnant. I guess its for the best, because I don’t know the dads that well I guess, and the one I was interested in has really fallen back. I still don’t regret having sex with him, because I need to continue to learn. My latest lesson is just because someone is meeting my current requirements doesn’t mean they will meet my long term requirements so its best to have really really high standards. I can never let my standards down, because people are so unpredictable I need my standards met.

My birthday is thins month and if you’d like to send me a gift or money let me know.

I also ran into the woman that hired me at my first club. The club is closed down now, but it was good to see her. She’s a nice woman, but as you guys know I never get too close to anyone so it was just nice to see her, say hi, and see how time flies. I remember walking in that first club nervous about if they would hire me or not, and she ended up being very nice which I was not expecting. I have came across some mean women, but that first experience was not what I expected. I was nervous af. I still remember walking in that big club, it was mostly empty, and I drove half across town to go to it, because I didn’t want to work close to my home.

I found the club in a magazine as you all know if you read my earlier posts.

i’m gonna go now …. lots to do

My Heart Hurts Because I’m In Love …. Again lol

So where do I begin.

So I’ve been thinking about the guy I met at work and had sex with a lot. He’s absolutely not my type. I didn’t find him attractive in any way, but when i met him I was quite interested in him. I liked that he cared about my intelligence and he’s the only guy from the strip club I’ve ever had sex with. We only had sex one time (twice, including the morning), I was still half dressed and in the morning he had on his jeans, we didn’t kiss, and it was totally unromantic, but looking back on the whole night it was very romantic to me.

I was at work, he called, said he was getting in the shower and then he would come. I love a man that smells good, and I try to always smell good too. H hugged me and told me he missed me, and I love that. I love when anyone tells me they have missed me. Idk if I’m the only one, but I will melt for that. I kept looking at him, and I was glad he came, but I didn’t really like his appearance. Kinda Nerdy. I don’t really remember what he was wearing, now I recall he had on a white graphic tee shirt, jeans, and a sneaker. He told me he lost 50 lbs, but I didn’t see his whole naked body. I was honestly drunk, and just wanted some nooky I think, but I did enjoy him being here with me. I enjoyed the other guy, but I really enjoyed this latest one.

When it was time for him to leave I hugged him in bed, and it felt so good. I didn’t say anything. I think he thinks I don’t like him, but I do. he honestly had to grow on me, as any new person would.

He’s another kicker. I have no idea what his name is, the phone number he gave me isn’t a real number its like an app number or something, and he hasn’t called me in a whole week.

I’m so sad. Idk what to do. I talked to the girls at work about it, and they said he will call soon.

I’m so desperate I got a fortune cookie yesterday with my takeout, and I said before I open this cookie if it has the word “love” in it that will mean a good thing. The fortune cookie actually no lie said “your presence will be graced by a loved one soon” I was so happy.

He told me all these things like we would go to San Diego for the weekend, but nothing. Idk. I want to see him idc where we are.

I miss him, and I can’t believe it. I’m writing in bed, and I’m wishing he were in the empty spot on the right. I feel like I’m obsessing, because he hasn’t called or anything, and we had sex. I don’t just sleep around so I want to know what is going on. Its just too much.

He is also generous with his money, and I like that too, but so is everyone else. he only gave me a little more than what I made today, and he did that over two days. One day out of each week, and honestly money does make a difference. I love him, but I’m glad I’m not waiting around for him to give me money, and the making money really does ease our minds lets be honest.

Anyway its Friday morning now, and I’m confused, and according to psychology if I am confused then that means he is in power, for all I know he could be confused too, because even tho I love him (not afraid to use the word love) I will not wait. Waiting is something I learned is a huge waste of time, and no need for that. This is early so an early bounce back is in order. It’d be nice if he called tho.

Old Mindset vs New Mindset About Dating and Sex

After being celibate for 8 months and then having sex with two men within a week is definitely a character change for me. I have never been loose, even though I’ve always had a very sexual nature. I try to control it like most of us do, but I have no regrets about my actions. Yes I was drunk both times, and that’s one thing that probably was the catalyst for the sex, but I’ve always kinda had drunk sex, but I don’t have sex every time I’m drunk obviously.

So now on to the mind sets. There is a feminine part of me that probably think I am using sex to get what I want and that is only true to a certain extent. The last man I regularly had sex with was very exhausting. He was one of those black men that love to call black women “strong” to see how much emotional pain she can endure. I think the pain started early, but it was like the devil smiling in your face hurting you, but still smiling like they didn’t mean it.

I continued to have sex with this man for years. He actually texted me the other day lol . The rejection must be killing him. I’ve been ignoring him for years on and off, but now is the first time where I have had sex with people I have never had sex with i.e. my exes. Its crazy, because they say women have intuition, but the very morning after the African man and I had sex my “ex” texted me. I found that so funny, because he literally never texts me and he has no idea where I live. I moved and did not tell any of my exes, because I wanted to be free.

I believe I used to ignore the pain and think it was normal. I literally did not even acknowledge the pain, because I had no idea I had any other option. I thought this was normal. When I broke away from my exes and completely separated myself I think I saw that the way they were treating me was not normal, and it was not normal for me to be allowing them to treat me that way.

Its really weird to be treated badly, because for some reason I still want some sore of genuine acknowledgement of the way I was poorly treated, and I am not one of those people who like apologies. Yall know me. I like money. If you are sorry show me. Those words mean nothing to me, because I’m sure I’ve heard those words before.

I haven’t heard anything from either of the guys, but one of them does not live in Atlanta he actually lives in the Midwest. I actually like that. He can fly to me or I can fly to him, but I’m not ready for any moves. I also like my space. I just got out of a situation where I spent too much time with some one, and we both got way too comfortable in the beginning, and that was the beginning of the end so to get comfortable in the beginning was the worst thing to do.

So naturally now that my eyes are open to the situation where I was being mistreated the mistreaters miss mistreating me. I guess everyone loves someone when they think you will be their lapdog. The only problem with that is we are not dealing with dogs we are dealing with people.

Now that I have had sex with men that are not my exes I feel a little bit of clarity and more freedom. I think my exes really think I’m sitting around waiting on them, and that may have had some truth to it, but in my mind once you start having sex with other people that’s one of things that is usually a huge catalyst to move on. I expect my exes to be doing the same thing, and I know most of them are. I think the days are over where women waste lots of time waiting. I am in that generation where it is ok to date multiple men at one time. Not that I want to be like a man, but I have never thought it was fair for society to allow men to have passes on this, whereas women are expected to be loyal no matter what pain they are put thru.

Lastly I would like to say this is my way of life. This is not the guide to a happy perfect life, I’m simply sharing my experience.

I still have emotions, I’m not just maliciously running thru men, I’m just trying things differently.

8 Months of Celibacy Interrupted By One Night Of Drunk Sex …. What Now?

Soooo I’ve been contemplating telling you guys I was celibate, and about my journey, working and all that, and I had a good run (which I intend to continue).

So let me tell you in short I love being celibate. I felt like those 8 months were my virginity all over again, but I have my life to get back on track. Failure is a thing that happens some times. Some say you fail the most before a major success, and I know this sounds crazy, but the guy I had sex with says he wants to marry me. I actually believe him, but it scares tf out of me! He’s From Africa, but he’s been here since middle school. He still has a slight accent, and I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned him on this blog.

I’ve been knowing him since I was 20, he’s the cousin of a friend I used to work with when I worked at Abercrombie. I actually never took him seriously, but I did want to give him a chance. I just think I’ve been so horny lately I kind of wanted to have sex. I’ve even been watching porn, but black on black porn, which I consider healthy for me.  Anyway we went to a diner, had a crappy (my opinion) dinner then got a bottle of vodka and came back to my place.

The only reason I let him come over is because I know he’s a decent guy. I think he actually does want to be serious and that scares me as much as if he didn’t want to be.

Anyway I don’t know what to feel about the sex. It was like satisfying and appetite, and I’m satisfied with that I’m just bummed I kinda had a trip up. I also do not think I’m ready to marry this man. Its a but much for me. I kinda told him I was a dancer, because I wanted to be honest, but I still don’t know what to think. We don’t seem to have much chemistry, and he doesn’t seem to be that interested in having much conversation. I he just wanted sex, I’m satisfied with that, but I don’t want it to be a regular thing especially if I don’t want to marry him.

Other than that I’m doing my best in school and life in general. Thanks for reading.

I Cursed A Man In The Strip Club For Inappropriately Touching Me

You guys know I’m a stripper so no  matter what there is no way getting around some thing. I have guys trying to lick me and touch my vagina which I totally do not tolerate. I notice some women let men touch them I do not allow it. I also do not allow myself to get intoxicated and high on whatever. I still smoke weed you know that, but that other stuff is something I know nothing about.

I was dancing for an Indian guy yesterday and Indians have zero respect for women. They are disgusting and sexual deviants as much as I know. I usually get Indian who just want sex out of the strip club and clearly they do not know that’ll never happen in the context of ME! So yesterday this Indian guy touched my vagina. I immediately grabbed his and said  “DON’T DO THAT, DO NOT DO THAT!” to him. He immediately knew I meant business and tried say sorry, but I wasn’t hearing that. Immediately in that moment I cursed him and he felt it, I don’t think he knew it tho. The rest of the night he walked around staring blankly the entire night (about three hours). He did not know what to do. I cursed him. I am 25 years old and I’ve always known I’ve had powers, but I let people use and suck the powers from me in the past. I chose to harness my own powers especially sexually and now I have control over my own powers so when I need them they are there. He thought he was taking something from me and I’d let him take advantage, but he learned the hard way not to disrespect women. I could tell I snatched a demon out of him the way he was walking. I know it sounds crazy, but its real. I enjoyed the rest of my night even though I was not happy about what he did I still was able to use my powers to paralyze him. He literally walked around looking lost, and I was happy to know why.

I want all people who patronize the strip club to remember that the strip club is more fun when you are respectful. When you think you are able to take advantage of the women you are in for a rude awakening. Even the prostitutes curse men. I see some of them under an impenetrable state. They come week after week and have no idea why. They even have sex with women that loosely have sex with anyone.

Also any strippers reading this please know you power whether you are having sex or not. Make sure to always know your power and not let it slip for a moment.