I Quit Stripping, Threw My Dildo Away, Have Ventured Into Sex Work From Home *Surprise*!

What’s Up My B Love Leeeeeeees LMAO jk. I miss you guys tho. If you have been folioing this blog for any length of time you know that stripping was always a means to an end for me. I dealt with stripping, but it wasn’t something that I totally liked.

I do believe that I mentioned racism in the strip club amongst other things like me being in school and having to maintain my life. Stripping was just not making me happy. I felt locked in a cage. I felt that I had to lie to every man I dated which I did. I was terrified of telling them what I did for work, so I didn’t. I was not able to maintain the double life. Nobody has a perfect personal life, but I felt like I didn’t have any personal life. You simply cannot maintain a relationship on lies no matter how realistic it sounds its just not possible. After the last failed attempt at dating I fell terribly depressed and that was it for stripping for me. I went back one day and actually made a lot of money that day. Somewhere around $1,200. Then I was debilitated. I just couldn’t pick myself up to go. I did not work for the entire month of October.

During that month I quit smoking weed which was terribly difficult and I made some revelations about my life. I actually felt so lowly of myself that I did not believe I could have a regular job that would pay my bills so I challenged myself. I applied for tons of jobs and landed a really great job that allowed me to cover all of my bills and more for November. That job did not work out for me due to a toxic work environment so I prayed to God as I have been doing regularly and God never fails. I landed 2 more jobs. One was a great stepping stone and the most recent on is exactly what I prayed for. Tomorrow will actually be my 2nd official day. I am so grateful for God and all the support I have had from a really great person I met at the strip club a few years ago. Its really crazy how you see who is really there for you when cannot be there for yourself. We are not in this world alone, and we all need someone sometimes.  I do have new views on love, but I am for sure that stripping is not something that a high quality man is going to deal with or take seriously.

I have zero regrets about quitting stripping and I may strip in the future who knows, but for right now I am very very happy to be doing something with myself that does not involve getting naked. I even tried camping and that was disgusting to me. I did not like that at all. I am in a new line of sex work that I actually do enjoy very much. It has its pros and cons, but for me the pros outweigh the cons all the way. The pros being I can do them from home, I can be anonymous, I can build mass clientele and I can make money while I am sleep or away from home doing other things. I did have to invest some money to learn this, and it was so worth it. I should have invested in January of 2019, but I was stubborn and thought I could learn everything on my own. I don’t care who you are you need to learn to invest in yourself if there is something lucrative that you want to benefit from on mass level. I actually had no idea what I would do after stripping, but God always has a plan for those of us who believe and are willing to do the work. I have proven and will continue to prove that I am more than willing to do the work to be free financially and otherwise.

My little heartbreak was about 4 months ago and I am feeling much better and not ready for a relationship at all, but totally ready to start back dating. Now I know that having my guard up is not a bad thing, but it is ver necessary. My mom gave be a book and wrote a quote in it from the bible that sticks with me. “Guard your heart for it is the well spring of life.” I did not understand this quote until i left my heart unguarded and boy was that a mistake I will never make again. I’m also learning that when I am interested in somebody how important it is to be 100% honest. I don’t view being honest as not guarding my heart, but actually guarding it. When I was being dishonest I was trying to make men fall in love with someone that I was not truly and I was actually breaking my own heart trying to be someone that I was not. My personal business is not everyone’s business, but if I want someone to get to know me I can’t completely hide myself hoping to change along the way. That’s just not realistic.

Well that’s all for today. Please stay tuned and be looking for some very juicy blog posts as this blog is about to take a very sharp turn that I am excited about. If not then I will definitely inform you on where to fund my new juicy material that I am sure many of you will love.

Old Mindset vs New Mindset About Dating and Sex

After being celibate for 8 months and then having sex with two men within a week is definitely a character change for me. I have never been loose, even though I’ve always had a very sexual nature. I try to control it like most of us do, but I have no regrets about my actions. Yes I was drunk both times, and that’s one thing that probably was the catalyst for the sex, but I’ve always kinda had drunk sex, but I don’t have sex every time I’m drunk obviously.

So now on to the mind sets. There is a feminine part of me that probably think I am using sex to get what I want and that is only true to a certain extent. The last man I regularly had sex with was very exhausting. He was one of those black men that love to call black women “strong” to see how much emotional pain she can endure. I think the pain started early, but it was like the devil smiling in your face hurting you, but still smiling like they didn’t mean it.

I continued to have sex with this man for years. He actually texted me the other day lol . The rejection must be killing him. I’ve been ignoring him for years on and off, but now is the first time where I have had sex with people I have never had sex with i.e. my exes. Its crazy, because they say women have intuition, but the very morning after the African man and I had sex my “ex” texted me. I found that so funny, because he literally never texts me and he has no idea where I live. I moved and did not tell any of my exes, because I wanted to be free.

I believe I used to ignore the pain and think it was normal. I literally did not even acknowledge the pain, because I had no idea I had any other option. I thought this was normal. When I broke away from my exes and completely separated myself I think I saw that the way they were treating me was not normal, and it was not normal for me to be allowing them to treat me that way.

Its really weird to be treated badly, because for some reason I still want some sore of genuine acknowledgement of the way I was poorly treated, and I am not one of those people who like apologies. Yall know me. I like money. If you are sorry show me. Those words mean nothing to me, because I’m sure I’ve heard those words before.

I haven’t heard anything from either of the guys, but one of them does not live in Atlanta he actually lives in the Midwest. I actually like that. He can fly to me or I can fly to him, but I’m not ready for any moves. I also like my space. I just got out of a situation where I spent too much time with some one, and we both got way too comfortable in the beginning, and that was the beginning of the end so to get comfortable in the beginning was the worst thing to do.

So naturally now that my eyes are open to the situation where I was being mistreated the mistreaters miss mistreating me. I guess everyone loves someone when they think you will be their lapdog. The only problem with that is we are not dealing with dogs we are dealing with people.

Now that I have had sex with men that are not my exes I feel a little bit of clarity and more freedom. I think my exes really think I’m sitting around waiting on them, and that may have had some truth to it, but in my mind once you start having sex with other people that’s one of things that is usually a huge catalyst to move on. I expect my exes to be doing the same thing, and I know most of them are. I think the days are over where women waste lots of time waiting. I am in that generation where it is ok to date multiple men at one time. Not that I want to be like a man, but I have never thought it was fair for society to allow men to have passes on this, whereas women are expected to be loyal no matter what pain they are put thru.

Lastly I would like to say this is my way of life. This is not the guide to a happy perfect life, I’m simply sharing my experience.

I still have emotions, I’m not just maliciously running thru men, I’m just trying things differently.

What is Stripper Notes Up To!!!!!?

Whats up you guys and I miss you all so very much. When I started this blog I knew it wuld be a positive outlet for me and that’s exactly what it has been and still is. My numbers have been growing so much it just makes me happy to share my story. A lot of it is very sad to me as you all know I fight depression and anxiety MED FREE everyday and my life is just something that I don’t feel a lot of pride from so to be writing and articulating to a point that readers love my work and understand me is amazing to me.

So on to the update! 🙂 Life has truly been a rush of amazing face first falls. Since I knew I would be back in school I toyed with the idea of escorting to save time and make extra money. Well plans did not go accordingly and I’ve been making some amazing moves doing what I love which is selling on eBay. The products I’ve been selling haven’t been raking in lots of profits, but I made some super smart moves by being in college and getting money for that so I’ve been able to survive. I haven’t danced in about 4 weeks, but my parents have been helping me a little and with responsibility and planning I have been very blessed. Right now I’m selling my sister’s old shoes on ebay for money to test out a mass product like skin care or something in beauty. I also took a trip to the thrift store and have some things to post from there. Most of all I’m excited about opening my online store apart from ebay which is raping me in fees it seems like. I just want this to work for me, because I know how I felt right before school started and I couldn’t wait to get out of the strip club. My car isn’t working right now, but when I get it fixed I know there is a high possibility that I will go back especially with it getting warm and my birthday coming up.

Lastly I regret to inform you that I’m having issues with one of my roommates so I will be moving soon. Its a shame, because I really did like it here, but I don’t deal with disrespect so I am feverishly searching for a new place and waiting on one landlord to contact me back, because the clock is ticking and I wanted to be out by March, and I wanted to tell my roommates that today, but the landlord hasn’t contacted me back so i’m a little on edge.

I honestly feel like this is god forcing me to grow so as much as I want to get comfortable and stay I’m going to focus and find something I like and be out by April 1st. I just can’t live somewhere where I am not comfortable and at this point I am not comfortable anymore. This journey is not easy, but it is amazing and I know there is something out there amazing for me waiting to find it I just have to do what I have to do to find it.

Thanks to everyone who reads my blog and if you want to know what else I’ve been up to I’m always down to answer questions as you know.

Lastly if you would like to support me here is a link to my paypal account and all donations are appreciated and will go towards a great cause.



Escort Is NOT A Bad Word

What’s up fam I miss you guys! I’ve been on the go with so many things in the works, but yall know how the strip game is in Atlanta, or you should if you read my blog. So once again another money makin club has closed, so I will move on. I have learned so much this year its amazing and the amount of money I made is not much to some people, but it was amazing to me.

Ever the business woman I have been investing my money and maintain side businesses, and while I’m in the stripping business I need to use these resources to the best of my ability. With that being I wanted to get into my own private dance business equipped with security of course and the more I researched what I wanted the more I realized that I was basically offering amazing escort services.

I feel like I am an escort working at strip clubs.

Escorts are classy and demand the most out of life. A real escort only entertains the best of the best respectful company and those are the types of people I attract anyway.

The escorting business takes a little leg work, but I’ve mapped out my plan and I am confident that the money will be amazing this upcoming year.

I am not completely leaving the strip club, because I do need start up money, but once its off the ground and I have flying clientele I will no longer strip. Is this the end of stripper notes? omg what kind of weird direction am I going into? lol Idk stay tuned.

Also I really apologize to my readers for not posting in so long, but I am working out a schedule to post at least once a week :).


How To Make $1,000 A Night

So this week I only worked two days. Thursday which s the day I had two clients and today. I overslept yesterday and missed a good client, but that same client went above and beyond today!

Allow me to explain how to make $1,000 as a stripper with zero clients.


  • Get to work at least by 5:00 pm!

– Catch all the stragglers goin home after work and a few day shift residuals. It all adds up in the end

  • Go up to EVERYONE!  

– usually I don’t advise doing this, but when you have a large goal you never know who that one person is that may ne the big jackpot!

  • Try to get at least 1-5 dances from every person you talk to.

– Every little bit counts toward the large end goal when you have a large goal so you can’t be shy or lazy!

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for large sums of money.

– the right man will give you whatever you want you just have to ask for it!

  • Don’t feel bad about exploiting someone’s emotions for money.

– People with a lot of money require a lot of attention. They usually have some sort of anxiety of depression and would love to spend all of their money on you. $500 to some people is nothing, but that’s half your pot for the night so take the money and smile.

  • Always remain in control!

– never ever let the person giving you money disrespect you or treat you cheap. They will end up being cheap with you.

  • Lastly, always keep track of your time and money in your head or on you phone so you can hit hourly goals and stay motivated! 


I hop this helps someone or at least give you an idea of how $1,000 is made on a regular night.

Example of my night last night.

I got to work at 4:30 pm which is 4 1/2 hours earlier than I usually do and make my usual $200 average a night. Last night I had a goal in my mind and I pulled out my phone every so often to count my money and do the math for how much more money I needed. Honestly I exceeded my goal so much I had to write about it. By 8:00 pm I had over $100 and I guess I should tell you that my goal was Originally $525 and then I reduced it to $475 still ridiculously high for the type of club I work in. Like I told you in my other blog posts. Girls fuck and suck and take your money by doing all that nasty shit when they can just be mental and work the universe in their favor. I made sure I physically wrote down an all-inclusive goal of $900 the other day and I planned to divi it up thru out the week. The only problem with that was I was so tired and didn’t feel like working. I only worked two days and the other day I made $350 which was far from the $550 I have to make in one day.

So when you are working the universe in your favor you have to be clear and you can’t be greedy or it won’t work. Do your calculations and strive for that and only that. This will make goal setting easy in the beginning with amazing results. No matter how high the number is to you. $475 originally seemed high, but after making what I made last night that’s an insult to me.  Anyway I wrote down the sum of all my expenses and worked the room dancing with everyone that said yes. The rejecton just rolled off of my shoulders last night because I was on a mission. Most people were attracted to me tho and I was making money easier than I thiught I would be. At 10:00 the room was pretty steady and I had like $175. I was still super motivated because to me I had a great head start and everyone knows you make the most money at the very end of the night any way. fyi our club closes at 2:00 am. So this guy I hung out with a few weeks ago paid me $400 to basically let him cook for me and smoke weed on some Christian Grey shit so I was down. I left my coat over his house and he was gonna bring it to me, but I was tired af from editing and fell asleep in a weed coma.

When I woke up he was texting me, but it was hours later. He left my coat with my friend and right on time too it just got cold here. Later last night my friend, a waitress and I milked him for 2 back to back VIPs worth $500 for each of us, and plus dances so obviously this shot my number way up to the sky. Then later on he paid me $300 to come hang out, let him make me a sandwich and smoke some weed. He lives in some mini mansion in Buckhead and has some amazing ass cars. He’s going to get me a Jeep Wrangler so he says, but he’s proven to be pretty generous thus far so we’ll see.

Thanks for readng 🙂 Subscribe.


Double Stuffed!

Since I came back fro DR I have only been to work twice and I’m going back out of town on Monday for another week. One thing I have really learned from traveling is how to make money and how to budget it! Its amazing what you can do if you put your mind to it. A few days ago I wrote all of my regulars names down and put the average $ amount by their names that they usually give me. Within the following days nearly all of those men began texting me asking to see me. I ranked them from least important to most important and my to two inportant regulars booked and appointment with me on the same day nearly at the same time! I wasn’t sure if either would show up so I booked both. I felt a little bad that I had to cut my time short with the first client, but my to client was there and I’m here for money not for favoritism.

I was so determined that I just followed the plan and everything worked out near perfectly. I have two more days of goals and I plan on hitting them.



When you dance you have to consider yourself a business! Your body is a business and you are very in demand. Men want to spend time with a young  beautiful woman so arrange a group of men who like you and make them your clients. If one or two fall off don’t worry because you should always be scouting more clients. I used to rely on my clients only, but I learned to constantly be scouting for clients because some client are flaky. Also make sure your clients respect your time so that won’t happen.

When you create a plan anything is possible. It may sound like some mystic space talk, but its real!


What Have I Been Up To?

I don’t believe you guys know about my trip to the Dominican Republic so I will give you a brief overview.


This trip was another huge lesson for me like all of my travels are. I learned to be more responsible, save for what you want and relax on your time off! I worked super super hard for this trip and I enjoyed every moment. I got some good footage for my YouTube channel and had fun. In this country they speak 98% Spanish. You may come across a few English speakers, but its rare. For this reason you have to be very discreet about being american, because to them you are a dollar sign.


The country is so poor people literally work for a place to live and food, but the food there is fresh and amazing. I stayed with a high school friend and she introduced me to an annoying Haitian plug. He was trying to fall in love with me, but I can’t save someone and even if I was going to save someone I want to choose them I don’t want them to cling to me. So I was there for 6 days and I got the full on Dominican Republic experience, but I did miss the states. I could barely talk to anyone and my friend didn’t want me to speak much English so that got a little annoying. The men there work hard, but they still have very little money which is not a deal breaker, but I can’t be with someone who is with me because they think I have a lot of money either.

Now I’m back in Atlanta and work was awesome Friday and Saturday. I only had 2 customers each day and I was satisfied since I had just come back from vacation. I have more customers to see this week, because I’m going out-of-town again on the 21st-29th and I need some re-up money.

School has also been on my mind heavily. When I first started my blog I was interested in going to school for real estate, but I don’t think I’m passionate enough about real estate to invest the time. I took a whole year off from school and its been an amazing year. I feel like I’ve been searching for something all year and I found it. I found what it means to love myself enough to focus and sacrifice time for a better future. When I look back at all the things I was able to do for myself this year I should be happier, but something’s missing and I think that is the completion of my education. I’ve been starting all these ventures which is great, but I need the guidance of professional business owners.

I read The Richest Man in Babylon and the three best pieces of advice they give in the book is to save 10% of all earnings, Never start a business under the advice of someone not experienced in that business and make your money work for you!


Sometimes I feel like I’ve always lead such a mediocre life and that goes against everything I want. I feel like its time to make more personal sacrifices (again lol). The weed has really been slowing me down a lot lately, so now is a perfect time to stop that again. I think I’ve fallen into the medicore trap by not focusing on one thing and excelling in it, but like many creative business minded people I’m very scatter brained. I’m learning to follow a schedule, and that has greatly helped me!

As of late I’ve been trying to see what I can do to produce more and spend less time doing so and “The 4 Hour Work Week” has helped me a lot with that.


The Richest Man In Babylon helped me so much but ths book took that advice t the next level! Tim was mentioning thing that have been on my mind lately such as hiring help to save my time for the most profitable tasks I have to perform.

ttly 🙂



How I Save My Money

As a stripper  see large large amounts of money in my bank account at times and then others times the lack of funds + life makes me wanna kill myself, but I’m gonna tell you my delicate balance that can take you into long ages beyond stripping. I basically have 4 main tips.


  1. Have multiple bank accounts 

  2. Always save your money in increments of 10! 

  3. Save 10% of all of your nightly money to a savings account that you NEVER touch 

  4. Make you money work for you in some kind of way

OK I’ll explain

Number 1 should be simple. You NEED multiple accounts. You always always need a back up. You never know if you will ever fall into deficit. I mean c’mon I’m 24 years old please cut me some slack. You should be allowed to cut yourself some too and prepare for those rainy days. If you overdraft an account for too long and then don’t pay they can and almost will put you on a black list that can hinder your life in many ways. Pray you have a miracle. For this reason I please beg you to open as many accounts as you can and keep a little money I them just to keep them active.


Number 2. I find it so satisfying to see $100. $190, $470, $630, $990, 1,40, and number in increments of 10 that grow larger. I’m more likely to use my debit card if it has a balance of say $432. That’s so random. I could get a hamburger for $1.75 and throw the extra in my loose change purse, but there’s and even likelier chance that I go way over my limit with unnecessary things. This may look boring, but when you commit yourself to saving in increcrements it shows your money gradually going up and its no an intimidating amount of money to save.



Number 3 should be a no brainer. How easy is it to put aside a few dollars compared to what you are saving in your checking? It should be so easy.You shouldn’t be spending money like that anyway.If you don’t have 10% a night to set aside in a separate account YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING WRONG!!!!! If you go to the gas station or the grocery store I recommend you peel off a little cash for that so you don’t go over your limit. say $20-$50 bucks. I don’t have food stamps, but if you do more power to you! This should be the most important thing you do! How sad would it be to do years ofhard work and have zero dollars to show for the labor you used your body for.You might as well had been working for free. Even if you don’t think you have enough money to save YOU DO! Money grows just like a small child to an adult if you nourish it with more money.



Your’re probably wondering. Well what do you do with your time then?  OMG PLENTY!!!! I relax and think about life for one, then I get the balls to live it!

Number 4. The finale. The grand woo ha! The most important of them all! Number 4 is make your money work for you!. Your money should be a happy slave!. Working away building you more cash over and over as the years roll by!. INVEST in something! And it better be something you know about and have an actual interest in . Invest your money in something whether it be your time or a product that will continuously bring you more and more money! That is a loyal slave!. Forget all that other business mumbo jumbo this is real advice! All And you will be doing is re-investing money you’ve already invested. If you are smart your investment will return 10 fold, but here’s another word of advice. Get your product or service advice that you will be selling specifically from a person in that field. If you invest your money with someone who is not well versed in this field you might as well throw it in the gabage can.


So I hope you read this post in its entirety. Also to answer your question about what I do in my spare time, I do this!. I write, I film videos, I create websites, I sell products. This stuff isn’t just magic ya know. It takes actual work. I feel like Pagliacci the clown sometimes juggling it all, but I guess its worth it. I’m looking at a blog site that will turn my blog into a book! I’m so excited

Ok well ttyl.

If you have any comments or questions go ahead and leave them below 🙂 Thank for reading